UAE’s commitment to combat Domestic Abuse

Domestic violence is a serious matter worldwide. It is totally unacceptable irrespective of culture, caste, color, creed, or socio-economic status. A proper attention is paid all over the world to domestic violence. Our focus today is about domestic violence. Let’s explore in details. The individuals facing domestic violence can be segregated into 4 various parts. It includes:

  1. Physical Abuse 
  2. Mental or Psychological Abuse 
  3. Sexual Abuse, 
  4. Any kind of material abuse.

UAE is no exception and a large number of cases are reported related to domestic violence on an annual basis. Therefore, it is imperative to ensure the protection of domestic violence victims. But UAE has a very strict measures this regard. It is essential to ascertain the safety of the rights and wellness of the domestic violence victim in United Arab Emirates. The government of UAE has passionately taken huge steps to ensure the protection of domestic violence victims and thus, strides to address this crucial matter. 

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The government of UAE acknowledges the need for the safety and protection of the victim and punishing the culprits at the same time. Furthermore, it also emphasizes the assistance extended to the sufferer and their families in crisis. UAE is committed to the cause and has legislation, laws, and regulations in place to support the sufferers and victims. The country supports the structures to protect domestic violence victims and the family’s betterment.

Enation of news Laws

In the past and in the present as well, the UAE has enacted a plethora of laws and regulations to battle domestic abuse. Comprehensive laws are implemented from time to time to combat domestic violence in the country. Domestic abuse is termed a criminal act and is considered to be a serious illegal act by any individual.

Federal law of 1992 serves as the base to address the matter of domestic violence in the UAE. However, the law may not specifically define the term domestic abuse in particular. The law encompasses regulations and provisions to combat the matter and also ensure the protection of the victims and their families. It also ensures the safety of familial relationships from any damage, harm, or mistreatment.

Besides, the law of 1992 empowers the law enforcement agencies of the UAE to intervene in cases of domestic violence. They are allowed to take action against the perpetrators and culprits of domestic abuse in the UAE.

The Federal law of 1992 also makes sure the victims choose recourse that ensures their safety within their household premises. Additionally, law enforcement agencies are permitted to respond vigilantly and effectively to any domestic violence complaints in the UAE.

Therefore, the law is salient to deter abusive behavior in the UAE legal framework. Besides, it sends out a clear message of zero tolerance towards domestic abuse in the UAE.

Federal Law 2005

The Federal law of 2005 is equally instrumental to the legal framework of the UAE regarding domestic abuse.  The law of 2005 is also called Personal Status law which is tailored to the specifications of domestic abuse in particular to family matters.

Law of 2004 Contains 

The law of 2005 contains provisions that contribute to the protection and wellness of domestic abuse victims in a family setting. 

The family is categorically related to domestic violence in family matters in regards to marriage, divorce child custody, alimony, guardianship, and more. However, the law indirectly aims to prevent the matters of domestic violence and also address it in various contexts.  The law underscores the significance of maintaining familial peace and harmony. 

Safeguarding Rights

It also works on safeguarding the rights of all the family members including the most vulnerable ones. The law of 2005 allows the victims to seek separation or divorce in cases where domestic abuse has jeopardized the physical, emotional, and mental health of the individual. Nevertheless, the provisions reflect the UAE’s dedication to providing autonomy to the abuse victims and also ensuring their wellbeing. 

Federal Law 2016

The Federal law of 2016 categorically serves the issue of domestic abuse in the UAE. It offers the legal framework of family dynamics to address the issue. This shows the commitment of the UAE to preserve the rights of victims and also introduce measures for prevention. The federal law focuses on measures and punitive actions to restrict the perpetrator from further damage, harm, or mistreatment.  

Law of 2016  

The law of 2016 handles urgent and emergencies very well. It also advocates for counseling and rehabilitation programs to assist the victims. This reflects the UAE’s commitment to curbing domestic abuse in the UAE by imposing criminal sanctions including hefty fines, jail sentences, imprisonment, and much more.  The country works to protect the dignity of the individual and also supports family values. 

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